Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Here is a creature called an M-Rex, It's half Megalodon and Half T-Rex.
Here are the concepts I did and the Sculpt still work in progress.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tanks Alot!

Here is another Prison Guard done for my buddy Rick Fariz, His name is Tank.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Surfer Girl Done, Sort of...

Got this cutie done for the most part, there are still things I want to fix, and things I would have liked to do but I ran out of time. She was a blast to work on though.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chicks Riding Stuff Mini Comp

Sup Dudes,
Here is a work in progress for a Mini Competition over at GameArtisans.Org.
It is very Arthur De Pins and Chris Sanders inspired. Here Is the Concept and the Sculpt.
I have the Low Poly done just need to bake textures and clean it up. I'll post a nice render when
I get it done.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Get ready for take off!

Gah! I suck so hard at painting!
This is a promo for a little game I am helping with called Altitude. You can find out more at
It's a fun game. You should download it and play it. :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hey Donnie!

Sup Guys, here is some lunchtime goodness. Been working on this at lunchtime on and off. Wanna get all four done. Started with Donatello because I always liked him most for some reason.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Here is a Pumpkin I did over a few lunch breaks. He's sad cuz his brain is coming out :(
The concept is Paul Richard's from his awesome blog over at


Here are two Characters I did for a xbox live pitch. They were a blast to work on, and the team at Threewave of Otto, Eduardo and Adam was a pleasure to work with.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oki Doki!

Here is a little maquette I have been working on in collaboration with the very cool and very talented Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. The Characters name is Oki and is from Sean's comic called "Bastion 7". Hope you guys like!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Baron Update and a Shot of the Base Mesh!

Here is an updated shot of the Baron, not too many changes just a new Cognac glass and a slight tilt to his head and trunk.
Here is also a shot of the Base mesh before I took it into Zbrush for sculpting Because I heard some of you guys wanted to see it. I keep all the elements separate and import them as their own subtools, just makes it easier to select and sculpt.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chucks Nefarious Nemisis

Here is one of the villains from Mike Boldt's comic "Chuck Chance.
His name is Baron Villainov, he's one of Chuck's more aristocratic and upscale
Hope you dig!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chuck Final

So here is the final sculpt to be sent off to the printer! On to the next one!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chuck Chance

I recently got done with this sculpt of the hero from Mike Boldt's Comic called "Chuck Chance"
He's a really cool guy with a really cool comic!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Luck Dragon Work in Progress.

Here's a creature I am making for a little contest over at
Here are some work in progress shots:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Adventure Girl

This piece is a Variant of a Contract I just finished. I liked This version more than the one the client wanted. (Taken Down for now)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

GDC O9 Dom War Interview.

Well, I didn't get interviewed, I was just the Art Monkey on the Cintiq in the background.
Check it:
Im the Dork in the white hoodie

Oh, and here is a shot of some of the homies, Doing it BoyBand Style:
From the left:
Jizzy Spice, Dooshy Spice, Poor Spice, Super Gay Spice, Crackwhore Spice, and Brian Parnell (Bottom)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I got asked to demo some art techniques at GDC this year, So I decided to take this old concept and sculpt it up, documenting the process. I'll be at the Dominance war Booth Sponsored by Pixologic and Wacom. Stop by and say hi.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little bit of an update on the Fish and Ships Project,
This a super WORK IN PROGRESS!
This is more a color study really, but it's fun:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Female Counter Part to the Security Guard

Friday, February 6, 2009

A quick Bust of Blanka from Street Fighter for the mini comp going on at :
UPDATE: My Blanka Bust was featured on Kotaku
Which is cool, some of the comments are super retarded though.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fish and Ships

So there is this Competition that sort of got my interest going, over at Cgtalk.
It's to make a piece of art inspired by the artist Jacek Yerka.
So I started some thumbnails and concepts, and even went as far as to get a base mesh ready for some zbrush lovin.
Hopefully and can finish it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

So, I am not only using this blog to post brand new stuff, but to also post older stuff that I was too Lazy to put up on
Back in May of 2007 a very talented Artist by the name of Alex Maleeve asked me if I would be willing to help him with an upcoming issue of the Marvel Comics huge "Civil War" Story Arc, a story entitled "The Confession". He had seen my model of Iron man and asked if I could render out a few images in the poses that he wanted, to get the comic done faster. I jumped at the chance! So here was my Marvel Comics Debut! Hopefully I'll get the chance to work with the house of Ideas again someday.

Also here are a few of the work in progress shots so you can get a feel for how me and Alex went back and forth.

So next time you are in your local Borders, Barnes and Noble or Comicbook shop, Pick up the trade paperback of "Civil War: Iron Man" and crack it open and be proud of your buddy Josh.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kong Lau was featured at the Gstar Video Game expo in South Korea. Pretty cool!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Here is my blog as well as a place for me to deposit new Art. is getting to clunky to update and I think this format will be a bit more agile. and to kick things off, here is a sampling of my most recent personal work. ( I have a lot of work that is still under NDA, I'll post that as soon as it's possible)